This website is the beginning of a lot of good stuff that will be put together piece by piece.
The site is first about weather but other things will be tied in here as well. It will slowly develop over time. There will also be talk and discussions about travel.
One of the most attractive things will be an informative and educational weather blog. I will use it to share experiences from my career, explanations and illustrations about Meteorology and answers to your questions. I may tie in current weather with past events.
I plan to provide "event forecasts" for individuals planning weddings, concerts road trips and other related activities. This will be handled with a fee schedule. Details for the event forecasts are yet to be determined.
The ultimate goal is to have a source for climate summaries for a number of cities across the nation that will provide people with considerable detail about a location concerning temperatures, precipitation, snowfall and other information. The idea is to give a vehicle for people to look at locations they may want to visit or relocate. The first one will be for Richmond, Virginia (near my location). This will take months and probably a few years to fully develop.
There is a public Facebook page that ties in with this website (LSA Weather Perspectives). This Facebook page will allow interaction about current weather posts. There will be one or more links to the Facebook posts on this website.
I will share a few things about me personally and will have a blog about a trip that I took to Israel in March 2019. That was a unique and worthwhile experience and I haven't had the chance to fully process what I saw. I will do that as I slowly write and display pictures from the trip. This will be placed in another blog here on this website.
Lyle Alexander
Founder and Principal
BRIEF SUMMARY OF CAREER: My interest in weather began as a child and developed quickly. My professional career began when I graduated from University of Lowell (now called UMass Lowell) in 1977. It includes 4 years in the Air Force, 6 years in the private sector and 30 years in the National Weather Service. Since retiring in June 2017, I have had temporary jobs in the field with plans to continue as an entrepreneur.
WEATHER INTERESTS: My entire career has been on the operational side, mostly in weather forecasting. Although I have been involved with a wide range of “fields”, the area that I spent most of my time was aviation forecasting and that continues to be the case now. I also enjoy studying and talking about climate data.
PERSONAL: I grew up in the DC area and was located there until I finished high school. In my freshman year in college I accepted Jesus Christ as my Personal Savior. After completing my Bachelor’s degree, I was in Virginia where I married my wife Lenora in 1979. We lived in Florida, Louisiana and Missouri before landing in Indiana for 19 years. To be closer to family we returned to Virginia in 2008. Unfortunately, Lenora passed away early in 2018. I have done a lot of traveling since then including a trip to Israel but continue to reside in Virginia south of Richmond.
I have provided discussions about past and future weather on my personal Facebook page and my Facebook friends have enjoyed it and given me great reviews. They have found that I provide attention to detail and weather information that is not over hyped. This is the kind of work (future weather) that I will provide for those who purchase "Event Forecasts".
In the summer of 2017, about 10 of my friends were planning to see the solar eclipse which in this rare instance tracked all the way from coast to coast. About 3 weeks prior to the eclipse, I provided daily satellite imagery that looked at the track to get an idea of the climatology. Then beginning about 10 days ahead, I started putting out forecasts for the day of the Eclipse. At least 2 of the 10 changed plans which allowed them to get a better viewing.
"My go-to source when recommending pre-storm actions for both large animal (equine) owners and emergency management evacuations."
"Everybody complains about the weather, but Lyle Alexander does something about it: he explains it! His low-hype, clear discussions make forecasts make sense. Thanks Lyle for sharing your Weather Perspectives."
"Confidence in weather predictions with no hype!"
"This is better than the Weather Channel, because all they have are TV shows and very little weather. Here to get your radar, your pressure, your winds, and storms, and precipitation amounts... it is awesome!"
"So far the forecast have been pretty accurate... lots of complex systems this spring... LSA has done a good job. Been looking for a forecaster to follow after the last two faded... Maybe LSA will bring us a winter later this year. Keep at it, sir. You're doing well despite a challenging year to date."
"I truly appreciate the up-to-date, accurate, local weather."